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TM_V Wilfort_été_Table en forêt_2023_Crédit photo Tourisme Mauricie-36 © Tourisme Mauricie, Véronique Wilfort

Champignons forestiers de la Mauricie

Whether you want to enjoy a dish with delicious forest edibles and mushrooms in one of our restaurants, participate in a cooking workshop or have a meal in the forest with a chef passionate about the flavors of our woods, enroll in a course on how to identify and harvest mushrooms with a mycologist guide, the important thing to know is that Mauricie’s wild forest edibles and mushrooms are exquisite! The Mauricie region offers a diverse range of activities related to mushrooms, just visit our website to learn more about it!

 Contact details

Contact details

2410, rue de l'Industrie, Trois-Rivières (Québec) G8Z 4R5

819 370-8368

[email protected]

What to do on the road?