Savor the pleasures of life, that’s what Hôtel Château Joliette offers you! A multitude of high quality services to enhance your stay, whether for business or pleasure.
The Château Joliette is the perfect place to organize your event. Whether it is for a convention, a meeting, a wedding or even an anniversary, we have the success of your event at heart.
Located at the entrance of Joliette, in the beautiful Lanaudière region, the Château Joliette stands majestically on the banks of the Assomption River. Its proximity to the economic activity of the city of Joliette, to the downtown area, to the many tourist and cultural points of interest, to the stores and to the entertainment, allows you to get around by car as well as by foot.
Contact details
450 rue Saint-Thomas, Joliette (Québec) J6E3R1
Registration number : 514242